Today, the Assembly unanimously approved Senate amendments to Assembly Bill 1994 by Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes (D-Corona), sending it to Governor Jerry Brown for his consideration. AB 1994 will provide law enforcement with the tools necessary to track registered sex offenders.
“It is unacceptable that neither law enforcement nor the public are notified when registered sex offenders are released into our communities,” Assemblymember Cervantes said. “This bill will provide law enforcement with more tools to track registered sex offenders and help keep our streets and neighborhoods safe.” Full Article
“It is unacceptable that neither law enforcement nor the public are notified when registered sex offenders are released into our communities,” Assemblymember Cervantes said. “This bill will provide law enforcement with more tools to track registered sex offenders and help keep our streets and neighborhoods safe.”
Where does she get her information- how does law enforcement and public not aware when a registered citizen has to report withing a few days of release and their face and information is plastered all over the internet?
I guess she is just like most politicians, looking out for number 1 and of course wasting more tax payer money for things that are already in place!
Notice all these “little” sex offender laws coming on the heals of the tiered registry bill. It is almost if the law enforcement and their political allies are manufacturing consent for their tiered registry bill by tightening the noose even more on registrants. They don’t need an ever expanding registry to keep the registrant cash cow going, indeed, the larger the registry, the more likely it will fall of its own weight as opposition gains numbers. They just need enough registrants and new obligations for registrants to keep them busy, but not so much that registrant will gain numbers and political clout. The more restriction the better for them, as every new law is a layer of oppression that is now looking like the deep strata of the Grand Canyon.
An average of 115 people die each day in the US due to the opiate crisis. 33,000 people died last year. The opiate crisis is estimated to cost $78 billion per year in economic hardship. Statistics for the National Center of Drug Abuse, and with such devastating statistics I am sure assembly member Cervantes and the rest are deeply concerned when drug dealers are released…..What? They haven’t even given it a second thought? How could that be? They wouldn’t do this just because it is an election year and they are totally inept and ineffective in running the state so they need to fear monger and rouse hysteria, would they?
Questions to be considered: Where do churches stand on getting rid of the sex offender registry? We are told to obey the laws of the land but after someone has paid their debt is it not evil to keep adding punitive measures after the fact? If so then shouldn’t the church stand against such evil? Anointing comes not just from doing good but for standing against evil Prv. 16:25 (…ways that seems right but are evil). If the Church refuses to stand against the fundamental wrongs like the existence of a sex offender registry how can they expect anointing and growth to take place? The Lord’s view on who’s a sex offender is anyone that looks upon a woman in lust commits adultery. With that standard in mind how many sex offenders attend your church? Your argument might be well we are under Grace and forgiven those transgressions. Really? Then doesn’t His Grace reach as far as those being wrongfully punished after they have paid their debt to society? You might also say well those are consequences of their sin/crimes. What are the consequences to the church for not Abiding in Christ and walking as he did in the Earth? Lost anointing and spiritual growth perhaps? How did God’s Grace (through Jesus) handle the adulteress (Sex Offender) that was sentenced (by law) to death? Are you refusing Christ and His example by not showing equal compassion for those that have otherwise paid their debt to society? Where does this kind of harm stop? Shouldn’t we exercise Christ like compassion and stand against this LIVING DEATH called the sex offender registry? There have been children listed as young as 9 years old on that evil draconian thing. The church needs to stop following the popular dictates of the world and society. While we were yet sinners God sent His only son to die for us. Given the Lord’s example in this regard who are we NOT to stand against the sex offender registry?
With the church under great scrutiny for decades of child sex abuse cover-ups, it’s unlikely we will find an ally there. Like governments, they are a political machine capable of the same level of corruption and hypocrisy.